

格式:DOC 上傳日期:2022-10-27 11:02:22 頁碼:7
2022-10-27 11:02:22    小編:zhangyin



本課內容是本單元的核心教學內容是 “現(xiàn)在進行時”,主要學習句子what are you doing ?i’m … 。what is he/she doing? he/she is …。 本單元出現(xiàn)了八個單詞,都是動詞的現(xiàn)在進行時態(tài)今天這一課是第一課時。所以今天的內容主要是呈現(xiàn)并操練八個單詞,順便結合句型進行交際活動。


(1) 能正確聽、說、讀、寫詞匯playing shopping studying painting eating runningsleeping writing

(2)正確聽、說、讀、句型 what are you doing ?i’m … 。what is he/she doing? he/she is …。





能正確聽、說、讀、寫詞匯 playing shopping studying painting eating runningsleeping writing



1、 情景法

2、 情景法強調語言在情景中的應用,讓學生身臨其境地學習英語,使教學在生動活潑的情景中進行。學生在輕松的情景下,容易學到知識與運用知識。

3、 多媒體輔助教學法


4、 動、形象,吸引學生的注意力,使其在輕松、愉快的氛圍中接受新的知識。




step1 free talk


step 2 lead in


設計思路: 每一堂課的開頭很重要,要在上課一開始就吸引學生的注意力,調動他們的興趣,這樣便容易開展下面的內容。學生都喜歡玩,看到老師在課堂上打籃球立刻會吸引學生的注意力,學唱歌曲迎合了兒童的心理需求,從而促使他們在輕松自如的情況下,主動地學習。所以課前的預備活動,既活躍了課堂氣氛,又緩解了學生的緊張情緒。

step3、 presentation

結合單詞句型操練時,設計幾個有競賽的游戲,學生在玩游戲中既開心又可以鞏固所學的單詞和句型。根據(jù)多媒體音、形、色、像圖文并茂的優(yōu)勢,提供不同的時間,給 學生創(chuàng)設了學習練說的機會,這樣的練習,既保持了學生的學習積極性,又使學生體驗到了知識收獲后的滿足。

step 4、sing a song and finish activity

這一環(huán)節(jié),根據(jù)兒童認知特點,學唱歌曲迎合了兒童的心理需求,從而促使他們在輕松自如的情況下,主動地學習。歌詞正好與所學的句型一致。這一環(huán)節(jié)讓學生在聽、說、讀方面得到練習、鞏固。 培養(yǎng)學生良好的語音,語調和語感。

step 5、播放flash動畫





teaching aims and demands 教學目標

1、 knowledge aims:

a. provide ss some information about the cellphone.

b. learn new words and expressions: toothpick, agreement, disagreement, disagree, absolutely, depend, be good at, inside out

2、 ability aims 能力目標

a. enable ss to find the answers in the text quickly and correctly.

b. help ss to find the main idea of each paragraph.

3、 learning ability aims 學能目標

a. help ss to express their opinions about life on the go.

b. improve the reading ability.

teaching important points 教學重點

let ss learn to how to improve their ability.

teaching difficult points 教學難點

how to get the main idea of the text and each paragraph quickly and correctly.

teaching methods 教學方法

1、 co-operative method for creative ideas.

2、 fast reading and careful reading

n-and-answer activity teaching method

teaching aids 教具準備

1、 a telephone

2、 some pictures

teaching procedures & ways 教學過程與方式

step i lead-in and warming-up

ask the students consider this question: if i miss my mother, how can i do? then the ss can give me many ways like walking home to tell my mother, write a letter, or just give a call. then i asked my ss which one is the best. the students will tell me "telephone", and then i will deal with the new lesson life on the go.

step ii

check the answers in the exercise books and tell them some skills of reading.

step iii fast reading

give the students some minutes and read the text quickly and then answer the questions.

1、 what does life on the go mean?

life on the go here means a fast-paced lifestyle where people are always on the go—rushing from one place to another, using phones, computers, etc.

2、 what is the second paragraph about?

it’s mainly about the different uses of cellphones.

step iv careful reading

read the text carefully and then decide the following true or false questions.

1、 many chinese teenagers live life on the go just like wang mei.

2、 with cellphones, we can only make calls and send messages.

3、 all cellphones have an electronic calendar to remind you of appointments and dates.

4、 the students don’t use the cellphone in the classroom because of the school rules.

5、 with a cellphone, students will certainly waste some time and money on it.

6、 teenagers like cellphones just because they can send messages.

7、 wang mei has a cellphone but her best friend xiao li hasn’t.

step v consolidation

give the students 5 minutes to read the text against and find the main idea of each paragraph.

para. 1 wang mei is an example of chinese teenagers who have cell phones.

para. 2 cell phones can be used for what?

para. 3. why are not the students allowed to use the cell phone.?


1、能聽懂日常用語that’s my new ruler. it’s very nice.要求讀音正確,語調自然。

2、能運用句型that’s my…it’s very…對物品進行簡單描述,語音語調正確。


1、培養(yǎng)學生的學習興趣,能聽懂日常用語that’s my new ruler. it’s very nice.等。



a. greeting

繼續(xù)鞏固用英語組織教學讓學生初步聽懂課堂基本用語,例如class begins, stand up, sit down, please. hello , boys and girls.并且做出相應的反應。

b. free talk

t:class begings.

s1: stand up.

t: hello, boys and girls.

ss: hello, miss jiang.

t: hi, what’s your name?

s: hello, my name is …。

t:how are you?

s1: i’m fine, thank you.

t: nice to meet you.

s1: nice to meet you, too.



1) 教師拿出一本新的英語書用is this …?問學生,再指著遠處講臺上的一把新的尺子,is that … ? 提問,從而呈現(xiàn)that’s my new …

t:is this a book?

ss: yes, it is.

t: this is my new book.

t: (指遠處)is that a ruler?

ss: yes , it is.

t: good. that’s my new ruler.

讓學生通過this is my new book.和 that’s my new ruler. 的對比。體會 this 和 that 的不同含義和用法。

2)教new 這個單詞時,教師用新、舊物品作比較。

t: look, this is an old book.

t: look, that’s a new book.

在學生操練new 之后,再讓學生用new 進行組詞操練:a new bag, a new book等。

d、learn to say






s1: that’s my new pencil.

s2: it’s red. it’s very nice.

f、assign homework


unit 4 my nice ruler

——that’s my new ruler.

——it’s very nice.☆教學調整☆


課 題:unit 4 my nice ruler



今天我說課的內容是義務教育課程標準實驗教科書, 英語 的第 單元第 課時。

1、 說教材

⑴教材內容 a本課時的教學內容為 b需要掌握的詞匯有 c需要掌握的句型有

⑵地位和作用 本課是第 單元的第 課時,教材中出現(xiàn)

了 的用法,本課時又是第 單元的重點,因此本課時的教學對第 單元的學習起著關鍵的作用。

2、 說目標

⑴教學目標 根據(jù)新課程理念教材內容,教學要求,我制定以下教學目標:

知識目標:能聽懂,會說,會讀,會拼寫本課時主要詞匯: 以及句型;

能力目標:能用本課時所學句型: 就日常生活中的話題進行交流,使學生掌握 的用法;




本課時的重點使要求學生掌握詞匯 以及句型 ,本課時的難點是:

3、說教法(本課是 學生情況 )

⑴教法分析(創(chuàng)設情境,事物展示,活動 )








step1:warming up

⑴it’s time for english ’s ;


⑶復習動詞let’s do 通過“你說我做”的tpr活動在復習舊知的同時,為新課做好鋪墊,因為學生都熟悉這些動作,建議教師讓學生當小老師來發(fā)指令,這樣可以充分體現(xiàn)學生的主動性。

step2:free talk

⑴提問 ⑵game

本課學習的重點是 教學手段 鞏固 的掌握,為導入新課作準備。


⑴單詞新授 通過事物或圖片教學單詞,學生能更好的理解和掌握單詞;

⑵單詞復習 互問互答 讓學生通過對句子的操練鞏固語言知識,拓寬學生的視野和增添學習興趣;



a 在緊張激烈的比賽中,大量輸入 降低學習的難度,使學生學習的積極性更加高漲(講情規(guī)則);

b 生活情景展示 通過多媒體等方式把語言知識放在特定的情景中進行操練,體現(xiàn)語言運用的真實性;

⑸播放錄音 學生觀看相關的動作畫面,跟著錄音聽,說,演,做,在輕松自然的狀態(tài)下鞏固所學語言。

step4 practice and consolidation


step5 homework

a 聽錄音 鞏固所學詞匯和句型 b 運用句型







1、引導幼兒熟悉并適應英語的活動環(huán)境,對英語產(chǎn)生興趣。 這一點對于小小班孩子來說是非常重要的,孩子剛剛接觸一門語言,老師在給孩子正確的發(fā)音教學的同時,要努力培養(yǎng)孩子的學習興趣,為以后的學習打好基礎。

2、聽懂、理解并會說出單詞“dog”。 我選擇了一個單詞作為活動的教學目標,主要是考慮到托班孩子注意力時間短的年齡特點而定的。

3、進一步學習運用“hello”與他人打招呼。 這個目標在學習單詞的過程中自然的貫穿進去了,當出示手偶,老師說hello時,孩子們能逐步學會自然、主動地打招呼。 根據(jù)目標我把活動的重點定位于:學習單詞“dog”的正確發(fā)音。因為小小班孩子的發(fā)音器官發(fā)育還不完善的特點,我覺得這同時也是本次活動的難點。




本次活動的流程:熱身活動——單詞學習——語音練習——兒歌復習——鞏固延伸 想重點說明以下4點:

1、在熱身活動,我選了手指游戲 《little bee》,在英語教學中,熱身活動時的小律動是孩子們特別喜歡說和做的,而且回家后也喜歡表演,能很好地反映教學效果。熱身活動很多,但是適合小小班幼兒用的很少,這樣我們可以把適合其他年齡班的律動進行改編,比如我在活動開始時,就作了改編:

t:clap your hands,x x x x x(幼兒按節(jié)奏拍手) t:one two three (幼兒說four,并坐好)


3、在兒歌復習環(huán)節(jié),我自編了兒歌:cat cat miao miao dog wang wang wang.這樣孩子們就會在簡單而有趣的兒歌學習中,復習鞏固了剛剛學習的單詞。







(一)熱身活動:手指游戲 《little bee》

little bee little bee,

round round round,

little bee little bee ,

sound sound sound ,




對了,是一只可愛的cat。小朋友高興嗎? 打個招呼吧!hello!little cat還給小朋友帶來了一位好朋友,小朋友想知道它是誰嗎?(讓小朋友猜)


t:yes , it’s a dog.小朋友一起來打聲招呼吧!hello!





cat cat miao miao miao.

dog dog wang wang wang.




本課內容是本單元的核心教學內容是 “現(xiàn)在進行時”,主要學習句子what are you doing ?i’m … 。what is he/she doing? he/she is …。 本單元出現(xiàn)了八個單詞,都是動詞的現(xiàn)在進行時態(tài)今天這一課是第一課時。所以今天的內容主要是呈現(xiàn)并操練八個單詞,順便結合句型進行交際活動。


(1) 能正確聽、說、讀、寫詞匯playing shopping studying painting eating runningsleeping writing

(2)正確聽、說、讀、句型 what are you doing ?i’m … 。what is he/she doing? he/she is …。





能正確聽、說、讀、寫詞匯 playing shopping studying painting eating runningsleeping writing



1、 情景法

2、 情景法強調語言在情景中的應用,讓學生身臨其境地學習英語,使教學在生動活潑的情景中進行。學生在輕松的情景下,容易學到知識與運用知識。

3、 多媒體輔助教學法


4、 動、形象,吸引學生的注意力,使其在輕松、愉快的氛圍中接受新的知識。




step1 free talk


step 2 lead in


設計思路: 每一堂課的開頭很重要,要在上課一開始就吸引學生的注意力,調動他們的興趣,這樣便容易開展下面的內容。學生都喜歡玩,看到老師在課堂上打籃球立刻會吸引學生的注意力,學唱歌曲迎合了兒童的心理需求,從而促使他們在輕松自如的情況下,主動地學習。所以課前的預備活動,既活躍了課堂氣氛,又緩解了學生的緊張情緒。

step3、 presentation

結合單詞句型操練時,設計幾個有競賽的游戲,學生在玩游戲中既開心又可以鞏固所學的單詞和句型。根據(jù)多媒體音、形、色、像圖文并茂的優(yōu)勢,提供不同的時間,給 學生創(chuàng)設了學習練說的機會,這樣的練習,既保持了學生的學習積極性,又使學生體驗到了知識收獲后的滿足。

step 4、sing a song and finish activity

這一環(huán)節(jié),根據(jù)兒童認知特點,學唱歌曲迎合了兒童的心理需求,從而促使他們在輕松自如的情況下,主動地學習。歌詞正好與所學的句型一致。這一環(huán)節(jié)讓學生在聽、說、讀方面得到練習、鞏固。 培養(yǎng)學生良好的語音,語調和語感。

step 5、播放flash動畫























lingling, sam, amy的頭飾。












good morning, everyone. i am number_______. today i am very happy and excited that i can stand here for an interview. and it is also my great honor to share my lesson with all of you here, and thischance is very precious for me. hope you can enjoy it. the content of my lesson today is section aread and write of unit 2 my days of the week of pep primary english ,book5a (recycle__) 。mylesson consists of 7 parts

1、 analysis of the teaching material

2、 analysis of the students

3、 analysis of teaching methods

4、 analysis of learning methods

ng procedure

6、 blackboard design


part one analysis of teaching material(說教材)

i. status and function

1、 this lesson is in the third period of this unit. it is a dialogue 。it aims to enhance students’ reading skills. it also provides some new language points for the students to master.

lesson is the first part of unit if the ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the ss learn the rest of this unit.

a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken english.

4、 reading is very important in english learning 。 it can help the students to master some reading skills through learning this passage. moreover, attributive clause also plays an important part in english learning.

ii. teaching aims and demands

on studying the teaching material and analyzing the regulation of children’s growing of mind, i put forward three kinds of teaching objectives according to english syllabus and new lesson standard.

1、 knowledge objects

(1)to help the students master the new words ,phrases and sentences.(加上具體的。單詞,句型)

(2)to teach the students how to use the adverbial clauses of time.

(3)to make sure that students can read, recognize and use these key phrases :on foot ,by bike, by bus, by train

(4)to enable the students perform the dialogue

(5) to finish some exercises.

(6)the ss can use the patterns to express their thoughts in the proper situation.

(7)the ss can understand the content of the lesson.

2、 ability objects

(1) to develop the ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing by practicing the dialogue.

(2) to train the ss’ ability of working in pairs.

(3) to develop the ss’ abilities of communication by learning the useful structures.

3、 emotion objects

(1) to arouse the students’ interest in class activities.

(2) to train their team spirit by working in groups.

(3) to educate the students to follow the public rules.

(4)by completing the task, the ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in science;

(5)teach the ss what is "science", put the moral education in the language study.

(6)to enable the ss to be polite and love life.

(7)to enable the ss to look after their things well.

iii. key points and difficult points and why (教學重難點及依據(jù))

the teaching key and difficult points’ basis is established according to section a read and writeof unit 2 in the teaching materials position and function. moreover students characteristics and new lesson standard should be also taken into account.

key points:

(1)to make sure that ss can use these key phrases correctly and skillfully.

(2)。to help the ss to communicate with each other.

(3)。to enable the ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.

(4)。to develop the ss’ interest in english.

(5) to help the students to master the new expressions.

(6) to enable the students to communicate with each other.

difficult points:

(1)to help the ss ask and answer the question____________________________________________

(2) how to use _____________________________

(4)how to make dialogues and act them out.

(5) how to write the right whole sentences.

part two analysis of students (說學情)

the students of grade5 are very active and curious. and they are interested in new things. they always like to use imagination and communication as their main studying ways after learning english for 2 years, they have some basic english background knowledge, so the teacher should attach importance to the communication with them, providing them the chances of using language. since they have learnt english for 2 years, they have already known___________________________________,so it is not difficult for them to understand and use the language_________________________________________________________________

part three analysis of teaching methods and why (說教法及依據(jù))

as we all know: the main instructional aims of learning english in primary school is to cultivatestudents’ basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the english ts in primary school are very curious and they want to know everything. what is more, it is important for the teachers to keep the students interest in english 。so according to these points and the regulation of children’s growing of mind, in this lesson i’ll mainly use

total physical response method

"task-based" teaching method ,

communicative teaching method

situational teaching method(情景教學)

group cooperate method

free discussion method

i will let the ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey______________________________" to help ss to get a better understanding of thenew content. i will arrange these activities: guessing game, __________________________________finishing a survey and having a competition.

part four analysis of learning methods and why (說學法及依據(jù))

new lesson standard advocates to improve students abilities of analyzing and solving teachers should change their old-fashioned teaching ways ,give students more opportunities to join class and let the students find the problems by themselves. our students are almost from the countryside. as for the learning methods, they are poor in cooperative learning skills. some students are not active in the class ,and some students don’t like english. therefore, i’ll have ss study in a relaxed atmosphere. students understand the new knowledge in certain degree through the mental process of seeing, hearing, saying, observing, thinking etc. 。after feeling and understanding the language points, let students get the knowledge actively by probe study and cooperative study. in a word, we’ll

the ss how to be successful language learners.

2、 make the students take an active part in class activities.

the students summarize the language points through their own thinking.

the ss pass "observation—imitation—practice "(觀察—模仿—實踐三步教學法) to study language.

the ss how to master dialogues and how to communicate with others.

6、 to make use of the new language material to express their own ideas.

teaching special features:

let the ss communicate with each other and adopt competition methods to develop the ss’ keen interest in english.

part five teaching procedure

step 1 warming up (3 minutes)

step 2 greeting (2 minutes)

step 3 presentation (24 minutes)

step 4 practice and consolidation (8 minutes)

step 5 summary (6 minutes)

step 6 homework (2 minutes)

step 1 warming up (3 minutes)

this step will cost 3minutes.

before my class , i’ll get the students to sing an english song "old mcdonald" to keep thestudents relax 。 by this, the students can be interested in it and pay their attention to our class easily and improve their ability of speaking. and also this activity can begin this lesson with exciting atmosphere.

step 2 greeting (2 minutes)

this step will cost 2minutes

daily talk

t:class begins. good morning, boys and girls

s: good morning, teacher

t: ok, good. so, mike, how are you today ?

s: fine, thank you. how are you, my teacher?

t: very well, thanks 。what is this?

s: it is a…

the greeting between students and teacher is very useful to build a harmonious and democratic class atmosphere.

step 3 presentation (24 minutes)

in this step, i will adopt four steps for the students to present the text.

firstly, lead-in.

according to the characteristics of this class, i wear a sports t-shirt deliberately to show the topic of this class. also i will show the pictures of yao ming, liu xiang and so on.


secondly, vocabulary teaching

in this part, i will use material objects ,pictures ,expressions and actions to teach new words. when the students read new words,() i ask them to read these new words with actions and we will play a guessing game and a searching game. the whole class will be pidedinto four groups to have a competition. these activities can help students learn the new words faster and arouse their interest in learning physical response method is used in this step.

thirdly, new patterns teaching

according to the characteristics of the vocabulary and the material objects and pictures i have prepared, i will use situation hypothesis method to teach new sentences. lets suppose we are having p.e class, there are four types of sports, they are football, basketball, table tennis and morning exercise. and let students choose which sport is his or her favorite students should use the patters: i like…,i dont like…

step 4 practice and consolidation (8 minutes)

in this step, firstly, i will ask several students to perform this dialogue.

secondly, i will give students some similar situations to play and ask them to use the words and patterns that we have learnt in this class. for example,……as we all know, students in primary school like to show their ability in every aspect, they like interesting things. so these activities can provide the students a good chance to show themselves and it also can arouse the students interest of learning english. an active class atmosphere can make students focus on class.

step 5 summary (6 minutes)

in this step, first i’ll pide the ss into four groups and bring a competition into the class. then i will ask the students what they have learnt in this class 。every student must join group 3 minutes ,a student representative will be selected from each group to answer my question and i will give comments. at last let’s see which group is the winner. doing these activities can give students more opportunities to join the class and consolidate the content of this class. what is more, these activities also can help students train their team spirit by working in groups.

step 6 homework (2 minutes)

in the end, i will show the assignment that is related to this class for the students to do at i will ask the students to do a survey that is about task can improve the students ability of communication and self-study 。

part six blackboard design

my blackboard design like this :on the left i show the words and phrases:__________________________

_______________________________________on the right there are many sentences:__________________

____________________________________________________________________________________this is my design of the blackboard. all the keywords, phrases and sentences are listed on the blackboard.

part seven reflection

in the process of teaching, i carry on task-based teaching method. i design ___tasks for the students to complete. i try to make the lesson rich, effective, and instructive. but as we know, not all the students are of the same level, a few of them may have difficulty in task __--____________________________ however, every coin has two sides. if all the activities are designed for the average students, the quick learners will not improve their ability in such a class. i hope i can find out some multi-activities for students of different levels to solve this problem.

at last, i want to say to be a good english teacher is my dream, i think a teacher is not only a guide for the students, but also a friend of them. if i were a teacher, i would build a close relation with my students, helping them not only on their study, but also on their lives. so far , i have been an english teacher for one year ,i will try my best to achieve further success! ok! that is all. thank you so much! thank you!


teaching aims and demands 教學目標

1、 knowledge aims:

a. provide ss some information about the cellphone.

b. learn new words and expressions: toothpick, agreement, disagreement, disagree, absolutely, depend, be good at, inside out

2、 ability aims 能力目標

a. enable ss to find the answers in the text quickly and correctly.

b. help ss to find the main idea of each paragraph.

3、 learning ability aims 學能目標

a. help ss to express their opinions about life on the go.

b. improve the reading ability.

teaching important points 教學重點

let ss learn to how to improve their ability.

teaching difficult points 教學難點

how to get the main idea of the text and each paragraph quickly and correctly.

teaching methods 教學方法

1、 co-operative method for creative ideas.

2、 fast reading and careful reading

n-and-answer activity teaching method

teaching aids 教具準備

1、 a telephone

2、 some pictures

teaching procedures & ways 教學過程與方式

step i lead-in and warming-up

ask the students consider this question: if i miss my mother, how can i do? then the ss can give me many ways like walking home to tell my mother, write a letter, or just give a call. then i asked my ss which one is the best. the students will tell me "telephone", and then i will deal with the new lesson life on the go.

step ii

check the answers in the exercise books and tell them some skills of reading.

step iii fast reading

give the students some minutes and read the text quickly and then answer the questions.

1、 what does life on the go mean?

life on the go here means a fast-paced lifestyle where people are always on the go—rushing from one place to another, using phones, computers, etc.

2、 what is the second paragraph about?

it’s mainly about the different uses of cellphones.

step iv careful reading

read the text carefully and then decide the following true or false √白話文★√questions.

1、 many chinese teenagers live life on the go just like wang mei.

2、 with cellphones, we can only make calls and send messages.

3、 all cellphones have an electronic calendar to remind you of appointments and dates.

4、 the students don’t use the cellphone in the classroom because of the school rules.

5、 with a cellphone, students will certainly waste some time and money on it.

6、 teenagers like cellphones just because they can send messages.

7、 wang mei has a cellphone but her best friend xiao li hasn’t.

step v consolidation

give the students 5 minutes to read the text against and find the main idea of each paragraph.

para. 1 wang mei is an example of chinese teenagers who have cell phones.

para. 2 cell phones can be used for what?

para. 3. why are not the students allowed to use the cell phone.?


1、 content of teaching materials

this section focuses on festivals and focuses on how people usually spend their class requires students to master the national, day, halloween, christmas, spring, festival and what do people usually do at of.。.i?。.。and free to talk about how to spend the this class, did leads to general questions and answers as well as new e the past tense of the be verb has appeared in the first third units, it is easier for the students to master it when they are studying.

2、 status of teaching materials

the selected course in this class is english 6a unit 6 in oxford primary teaching of this unit revolves around this section of the festival, students have the knowledge of the previous third units foreshadowing, relatively easy to depth and arrangement reflects not only the progressive meaning of teaching materials, but also the students knowledge level and cognitive how people spend their holidays, especially in western festivals,。students are required to collect information in time after the actual teaching, this class uses the old topic, first teaches the new sentence pattern, and uses the sentence pattern to lead the new knowledge way to unfold, this is advantageous for the student to accept and grasp, also has manifested the teaching content the continuity.

say target:

1、 teaching objectives

the new curriculum emphasizes the organic combination of knowledge and skills, process and method, emotion, attitude and values, and in the light of this understanding, i set the following teaching objectives: three.

[objective] to students cognitive spoken phrases and words: visit relatives and friends, go to parties, dress up in costumes, ware masks, make pumping lanterns, eat lots of delicious food, national day, christmas, halloween, spring, festival, favourite; can use whens s.。.what, do, people, usually, do, at.。.did you?。.。.last.。.yes, i, did./, no, i, didn, t. and so on.

ability to communicate in english on holidays, and some students can introduce the festival in english fluently.

[objective] through activities and games, students are interested in learning english. students are encouraged and willing to talk and participate actively in let students cultivate their sense of cooperation and competition in the process of learning.

2、 teaching difficulties

the focus of teaching is to let students master the phrase, can use phrases to communicate, the ability of students to use the phrase to describe the preliminary exercise festival; difficulty is to enable students to understand the temporal changes in richness and realize the use of different phrases to create language.

doctrine of teaching:

1、 teaching method design

according to the characteristics of this english class itself and the sixth grade students interest, i through the design of a specific image of the scene, the old with the new, continuous rolling knowledge, in order to disperse the difficulty of teaching, let students perceive and the same time, the creation of a number of tasks, from words to phrases to sentence to dialogue to pieces, make students practice and meaningful practice in multi exchange between teachers and students in learning, give full play to their enthusiasm, cultivate their ability to learn to use.

2、 learning method guidance

to guide students through the method of comparison, observation and speculation gradually new language project function, let the students in practice to realize multi-level learning english "use" the necessity, to encourage students to think actively, bold attempt.

3、 teaching means

according to the teaching content, teaching objectives, students age characteristics and psychological characteristics, in order to better stimulate students interest in learning, so as to actively participate in edia courseware, pictures and other teaching aids teaching, the abstract sentence in a vivid scene, the game, not only make the learning process more relaxed, can special case.

say process:

1、 warm up (warm up)

(1) announce the way of study in this lesson: group seats are pided into four teams, each of which is based on the class performance of each student. at the end of the class, winner is , begin "one sentence for each class"。 the sentences taught in this class are "lite is long if you know how to use it.""

[design intention] the announcement of the study style made the students full of interest in the lesson and aroused their fighting spirit and desire for the groups performance."one sentence for each class" is an essential part of every class i started in grade section mainly teaches students some clever words and sentences not only enrich students vocabulary, improve their expression ability, but also enable them to learn idiomatic expressions in as to create a good atmosphere for learning english.

2、 take the old with the new [lead in]

provide topic birthday, free communication between teachers and students, and then use the "how do you your birthday spend" to draw the new sentence pattern of this lesson "what do you on your birthday do", and then import "did you"。.。"last birthday?" and use the colour topic to elicit the sentence pattern my favourite.。.。

[design intention] to get rid of new knowledge through old knowledge is one of my frequently used teaching new students, students can master the sentence patterns more the same time, combine the new sentences with the old helps to cultivate students open thinking ability.






























































