
英文美文內(nèi)容及心得體會(huì)范文 英語(yǔ)心得體會(huì)英語(yǔ)作文(2篇)

格式:DOC 上傳日期:2022-12-29 12:25:36 頁(yè)碼:14
英文美文內(nèi)容及心得體會(huì)范文 英語(yǔ)心得體會(huì)英語(yǔ)作文(2篇)
2022-12-29 12:25:36    小編:ZTFB



supplementary agreement


by and between:

(1)????????????? l.l.c. ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ”授權(quán)方”)

地址:1000 flower street, glendale, galifornia 91201

l.l.c. ( ”licensor”) a delaware limited liability company, with its principal office located at ? ? ? ? ? ?? glendale, california 91201; and

(2)????????????? limited company( ? ? ? ? ? ?? 被授權(quán)方”)


guang zhou camsing limited company ( ” licensee”) with its principal office located at ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? guangzhou, china.



(a)?20__年3月12日,???????????? 與?????????? 就??????????? 事宜達(dá)成一致意見(jiàn),簽署了《品牌授權(quán)協(xié)議》(以下稱(chēng)“原協(xié)議”),協(xié)議有效期間自20__年1月1日起至20__年12月31日止;

on march 12, 20__ , ? ? ? ? ? ?? and ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? entered into a merchandise license agreement (hereinafter referred to as “initial agreement”) for “kung fu panda 2”, with the period starts from january 1, 20__ to december 31, 20__;


according to initial agreement, usd $270,000 shall be fully paid by camsing to as licensing royalty on or before august 31, 20__. has paid usd $25,000 as advance as of the singing date of initial agreement, while the remaining usd $245,000 is still unpaid;

(c) 多次向催討未付款項(xiàng),結(jié)合自身對(duì)授權(quán)品牌的實(shí)際使用情況,請(qǐng)求從未付款項(xiàng)中減免部分授權(quán)使用費(fèi)。

has contacted camsing many times to collect remaining payments, while, considering about its actual application of merchandise license, requests for a deduction from the unpaid amounts.


therefore, both parties, through amicable negotiation, agree upon the payment of remaining unpaid usd $245,000 as following:

1. ? ? ?? 同意免除自20__年1月1日起至20__年12月31日的授權(quán)使用費(fèi)81,666美金;減免之后,camsing應(yīng)付的款項(xiàng)為163,334美金(計(jì)算方式:245,000 -81,666=163,334)。同意,按本協(xié)議約定支付減免后的授權(quán)使用費(fèi)163,334美金后,不再向主張任何費(fèi)用,包括但不限于授權(quán)使用費(fèi)、違約金等。

agrees to exempt license royalty usd $81,666 of the period from january 1, 20__ to december 31, 20__, that is shall pay usd $163,334 to after the exemption. in the event that has fully paid the remaining license royalty usd $163,334 after exemption according to provisions hereunder, agrees that it will not claim any ge against , including but not limited to license royalty, penalty, etc.

2.??????? 支付方案:應(yīng)自20__年7月1日起至11月30日止的5個(gè)月內(nèi)分五期還清全部款項(xiàng)163,334美金,具體付款方案如下:


usd $30,000?usd $30,000?usd $30,000?usd $30,000?usd $43,334

合計(jì)?usd $163,334

payment scheme: shall pay off the remaining usd $163,334 by five payments within the period from july 1, 20__ to november 30, 20__, the payment scheme is as following (all payments should be made on or before corresponding stipulated dates):

july 17, 20__?august 15, 20__?september 15, 20__?october 15, 20__?november 15, 20__

usd $30,000?usd $30,000?usd $30,000?usd $30,000?usd $43,334

total amount?usd $163,334

3.??????? 前述款項(xiàng)的支付均應(yīng)匯入指定的如下賬戶:


收? 款? 人:??????

賬???????? 號(hào):???????

aba???? 號(hào):????????


聯(lián)? 系? 人:???????


the stated payments shall be paid to the following ac specified by :

bank information: bank of america


ac no.:

aba no.:

swift code:?


contract currency: united states dollars.

4. ? ? ? 應(yīng)嚴(yán)格按照分期付款計(jì)劃執(zhí)行,如有一期逾期支付則視為違約,屆時(shí)剩余應(yīng)付款項(xiàng)的支付期限立即到期,并且原先減免的20__年度81,666美金的授權(quán)使用費(fèi)不再減免,將一同并入應(yīng)付款項(xiàng)由立即一次性全額支付,同時(shí),還應(yīng)按未付款項(xiàng)總金額每日萬(wàn)分之五的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)向支付逾期付款違約金。

shall strictly abide by the payment scheme, otherwise, even one payment delay shall be deemed as breach of contract, upon the payment term of remaining amounts shall expire immediately, besides, the exemption of usd $81,666 for year 20__ shall be cancelled and calculated into the remaining unpaid amounts, which shall be fully paid in a lump sum by camsing promptly. meanwhile, shall pay a penalty at a rate of 0.5‰ per day of due total amount for late payment.

5.??????? 法律適用及爭(zhēng)議解決:本協(xié)議適用中國(guó)法律。凡因本協(xié)議引起的或與本協(xié)議有關(guān)的任何爭(zhēng)議,均應(yīng)提交至深圳國(guó)際仲裁院(scia)按照其仲裁規(guī)則進(jìn)行仲裁,屆時(shí)敗訴方應(yīng)承擔(dān)對(duì)方為解決本爭(zhēng)議而產(chǎn)生的一切合理費(fèi)用,包括但不限于仲裁費(fèi)、律師費(fèi)、差旅費(fèi)、評(píng)估費(fèi)、調(diào)查費(fèi)、鑒定費(fèi)等相關(guān)費(fèi)用。

applicable law and dispute resolution: this agreement shall be governed by the laws of china. any dispute arising from or in connection with this agreement shall be submitted to shenzhen court of international arbitration (scia) for arbitration according to scia’s arbitration rules, and the losing party shall bear all reasonable ges of the other party concerning dispute resolution, including but not limited to arbitration fees, lawyer’s fees, business trips costs, evaluatioges, investigation fees, appraisal costs, etc.);

6.??????? 本協(xié)議生效后,即成為原協(xié)議不可分割的組成部分,與原協(xié)議具有同等法律效力。除本協(xié)議對(duì)于剩余應(yīng)付款項(xiàng)的約定外,原協(xié)議的其余部分應(yīng)完全繼續(xù)有效。如本協(xié)議與原協(xié)議發(fā)生沖突時(shí),以本協(xié)議為準(zhǔn)。

this agreement, after its entry into force, becomes an integral part of the initial agreement and has the same legal effect. except for the provisions about the remaining unpaid payment stipulated herein, other provisions of the original agreement shall remain in full effect. in case of any discrepancy, this agreement shall prevail.

7.??????? 本協(xié)議為中英文版本,如有不符,以中文版本為準(zhǔn)。

this agreement is written in chinese and english. in case of any discrepancy, the chinese version shall prevail.


this agreement is prepared in duplicate and shall enter into force upon chops and signatures of the authorized representatives; each party holds one copy, with the same legal effect.

(signing page with no text below)

signed by ??)?

duly authorised for and on behalf of ?name?)?





signed by ??)?

duly authorised for and on behalf of ?name?)?






自我介紹范文 | 簡(jiǎn)短的自我介紹 | 一分鐘自我介紹 | 英文自我介紹


i'm looking forward to getting to know all of you.

我熱切地盼望著認(rèn)識(shí)大 家。

i recently graduated from harvard with a degree


in political science. my hobbies are watching tv

獲得了政治學(xué)學(xué)位, 我的嗜好是看電視

and painting watercolors. my favorite sport is volleyball.

和畫(huà)水彩畫(huà)。 我最喜歡的運(yùn)動(dòng)是排球 。

being the new guy here makes me feel a little bit out of place.

在這里我是個(gè)新手, 有點(diǎn)無(wú)所適從。

i'm trying to remember everybody's name

我會(huì)盡力記住每個(gè)人的 名字,

so i won't embarrass myself by calling mr. lee by someone else's

不至于張冠李戴而鬧笑 話。
