
bec聽力實訓(xùn)心得體會如何寫 bec聽力實訓(xùn)報告(7篇)

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bec聽力實訓(xùn)心得體會如何寫 bec聽力實訓(xùn)報告(7篇)
2022-12-29 07:00:14    小編:ZTFB



1、 口語考試流程



這一部分分為兩個階段。第一階段,詢問有關(guān)考生個人情況(放輕松,就是自我介紹,一般問你的學(xué)習(xí)或工作情況,不會很難);第二階段,提問一般商務(wù)問題。(exp: brand, meeting, career planning, etc.這些不用特意準備,在第二部分都會涉及,從第二部分中拿過來用就行。)







2、 口語考試技巧

官方推薦的應(yīng)試者口語書就是陳小慰那本橙色的 《新編劍橋商務(wù)英語口試必備手冊(中、高級 )》,也是大家最常用的,單看這名字的長度就知道這本書的厚度,鄙人背的時候手腕都壓斷了有木有,它干脆改名叫《你不配背過我》算了。前期真的想一點點的把它啃完,奈何細節(jié)太多、內(nèi)容瑣碎,邊背邊忘,浪費時間且沒有效果。但是我發(fā)現(xiàn)很多題目下面有的論點方向大體相同,但由于題目的設(shè)置所以每個論點下具體細節(jié)又不一樣,導(dǎo)致背誦的時候容易混淆,其實這些可以提煉一個通用的模板,總結(jié)后一個論點可以適用多個問題, 比如 product quality(產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量)這一個論點可以適用于如何提高competition(競爭力)、customer loyalty(客戶忠誠度)、promotion(宣傳)、 brand image(品牌形象)等很多問題。于是我就花很多時間,根據(jù)手冊整理了一份精華論點+相應(yīng)論述,這些論點使用頻率很高,經(jīng)過靈活套用和組合,可以適用90%到95%的題目。接下來就是狂背模板,這個模板畢竟小而精,主攻它不但可以節(jié)省時間,而且反正就這么些東西,你背的時候可以加上語速和語調(diào)的訓(xùn)練,這樣的話你的口語基本上就沒什么問題了。(口語實力者勿噴 此技巧只針對口語應(yīng)試者)

比如我在考場上的時候,第二部分就抽到了如何在超市推銷產(chǎn)品這個問題,我當(dāng)時就直接套用了模版上的promotion、discount 和price strategies。不需要臨場組織,因為這些論點我都早已爛熟于心了,覺得十分有用,且大大降低了我的緊張感。














part1 :interviewbec高級口語第1部分持續(xù)約3分鐘(三人組的約5分鐘)??脊贂o出一些介紹性的和工作相關(guān)的問題。劃重點!這部分主要測試的是:為社會目的使用語言交流的能力,例如自我介紹,回答問題,表達和給出個人觀點等等。


考官:hello. my name is 。.。.。.。. and this is my colleague 。.。.。.。.

考官:and your names are?考官: can i have your mark sheets please? 。.。.。.。. thank you.


考官: where are you from?

考官: could you explain why youre taking the bec exam?

考官: have you got a job at the moment?

考官: are employment opportunities for graduates good in your country?








答:有很多機會是給那些有工作經(jīng)驗的人的,所以如果是大學(xué)剛畢業(yè),相對來說很難找到一個理想的位置,除非你是那種特別優(yōu)秀的。part2 :mini-presentation






a: customer relations: the importance of politeness when dealing with customers


b: training: how to ensure training opportunities are taken up by as many staff as possible


c: advertising: the issues to consider when drawing up an advertising budget for a new product












part2(mini pre)

真題輯5 test1 b

business planing : the factors involved in deciding whether to relocate a retail business.

in order to (relocate a retail business ), i think the following three points should be considered.

first,a well-established and fast growing business area can attract more customers.

second, if our retail business relocate to somewhere with convenient pubic transportation ,we can take advantage of high value service.

third,we should take competition into account,most companies wish to avoid competitor when relocating their retail business.



in a word,if you take care of your location,business will take care of itself. so that the company can stay ahead of the market competition.

提問:which is the most important factor when you decide to relocate a retail business?


真題輯5 test2 c

corporate culture: the importance of all staff understanding the corporate culture of their company.

corporate culture is of great importance to our company,which can be revealed in the following several aspect.

first,when staff members completely understand company’s culture,they will fell free to express their opinions, understand each other’s capabilities and limitations,this will help yo bring out the potential and creativity of everyone in company.




in a word,if you take care of your people,business will take care of culture will help to enhance morale and improve company efficiency so that the company can stay ahead of the market competition.

提問:what benefit does corporate culture bring about to a business.


factor 開頭in order to _x,there are following several points.

提問which is the most (effective method) (important factor)when ()

importance開頭_xis of great importance to our company,which can be revealed in the following several aspect.

提問what benefit does () bring about to a business.





給你一個background 假設(shè)你是公司里面的某個人。





a:hey,leo. our company longs to participate in an international conference would you say?

b:the big-guys upstairs are enthusiastic with it,why not? i mean it’s a great idea to attend that conference.

a:well, i think the first thing to do is to select members of staff to represent the company at the conference.

b:in order to choose the right person on behalf of our company,we should take his personality into consideration. __

a:you have raise a good point,略

b:sound reasonable, is there anything more you wanna say?(實在想不出說什么就用這句)


b:now, we have agreed upon that, the next question is what practical arrangements would need to be made by the company before the conference.



a:by doing all this i believe (), is there anything more to discuss?

b:nothing else,nice talking to you,leo

a:nice talking to you,too.

與其說part3是discussion,更像是一種role play.(角色扮演)。




舉行會議/研討會/大會/座談會/學(xué)術(shù)報告會 hold a meeting/seminar/conference /forum/symposium

贊助人/主辦人/承辦人/協(xié)辦人 patron/sponsor/organizer/co-organizer

舉行談判 enter into negotiation

交涉 make representations with sb. on sth./deal with sb.

事物性會談 talks at working level

對口會談 counterpart talks

議程項目 items on the agenda

主題 theme

議題 topic for discussion

雙方商定的議程 schedule mutually agreed upon

開幕會議 opening session

全體會議 plenary session

一輪會談 one round of talks

決議 resolution

諒解備忘錄 memorandum of understanding

現(xiàn)在開會 i declare the meeting open.

請…發(fā)言 i invite the representative of …to take the floor.

下面我給各位簡要介紹一下北京的經(jīng)濟情況 nnow i would like to give you a brief overview of beijing’s economy.

我的介紹完了,謝謝。 that’s all for my you.

我先說這么多。 so much for my remarks for now.

我要說的就是這些。 that’s all for what i want to say.

您看是先談原則問題呢,還是先談具體問題? i wonder if you would like to start with matters of principle or specific issues?

讓我先談一個問題。 if you agree,(with your permission)let me start with one issue

在談那個問題之前我想對您剛才講的話談點看法。 before we trun to that issue, i wish to make a few comments/remarks on your presentation.

您對此事怎么看呢? i wish to benefit from your views on this matter./ what is your view on this matter?/ how do you see this matter?

我提議休會十分鐘。 i propose a ten-minute break.

我想接著剛才的問題講下去。 i will pick up where we left off just now.

對不起,我插一句。 sorry for the interruption but

當(dāng)然可以。 by all means

怎么都行。 whatever you say.

我沒有異議。 i have no objection

我方對這個問題有異議。 we take exception to this question.

我們高興地看到 we note with pleasure that

這個日期貴方覺得合適嗎? i wonder if this date wuld be suitable for you?

不知你們上午談的怎樣? i wonder how the meeting went this morning?

我方很希望貴方能盡早給予肯定的答復(fù)。 we would greatlyl appreciate it if you could give us your favourable and prompt commitment as soonas possible.

請你們務(wù)必在8月1日前提出意向書。 you are kindly requested to submit the letter of intent on the date no later than 1st august.

糾纏這個問題 entangle this issue

提倡節(jié)約 advocate/uphold thriftiness

為了國家的繁榮 for the sake of national property

經(jīng)受了時間考驗的友誼給我留下了很深的印象。 the time-tested friendship leave me a deep impression.

密切注視 keep close watch on

促進密切合作 spur/promote intensive cooperation

久仰 i’ve heard so much about you.

好久不見了 long time no see.

辛苦了 you’ve had a long ’ve had a long flight.

尊敬的朋友們 distinguished/honorable/respected friends

閣下(多用于稱呼大使) your excellency

我代表北京市政府歡迎各位朋友訪問北京。 on behalf of the beijing municipal government, i wish to extend our warm welcome to the friends who have come to visit beijing.

對您的大力協(xié)助,我謹代表北京市政府表示衷心的感謝。 on behalf of the beijing municipal government, i wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance.

在北京過得怎么樣? how are you making out in beijing?

我一定向他轉(zhuǎn)達您的問候和邀請。 i’ll surely remember you and your invitation to him.

歡迎美商來北京投資。 american businessmen are welcome to make investment in beijing.

歡迎多提寶貴意見。 your valuable advice is most welcome.

不虛此行 it’s a rewarding trip.

您的日程很緊,我們的會見是否就到此為止。 as you have a tight schedule, i will not take up more of your time.

請代我問候。.。先生 please remember me to mr.

感謝光臨 thank you so much for coming.

歡迎再來 hope you’ll come again.

歡迎以后多來北京 hope you’ll visit beijing more often.

請留步,不用送了。 i will see myself out, please.

多保重 take care.

祝您一路平安。 have a nice trip.

愿為您效勞。 at your service.

為…舉行宴會/宴請 host a dinner/banquet/luncheon in honor of …

歡迎宴會 welcome dinner

便宴 informal dinner

午宴(附有情況介紹或?qū)n}演講等內(nèi)容) luncheon

便餐 light meal

工作午餐 working luncheon

自助餐 buffet dinner/luncheon

答謝宴會 return dinner

告別宴會 farewell dinner

慶功宴 glee feast

招待會 reception

慶祝中華人民共和國成立四十五周年招待會 reception celebrating the 45th anniversary of the founding of the people’s republic of china

雞尾酒會 cocktail party

茶話會 tea party

包餐/點餐 table d’hote/a la carte

上菜 serve a courst

您的位置在這里 here is your seat.

請入席 please have a seat.

歡聚一堂 enjoy this happy get-together

請隨便 please yourself at home./please enjoy yourself.

請各位隨意用餐 help yourself please.

您喝點什么? what would you like to drink?

現(xiàn)在我提議,為了…和…之間的合作,為了…參議員的健康,干杯! at this point, i propose a toast: to the cooperation between … and … , to the health of senator…, cheers!

最后,我借主人的酒,提議為…干杯! lastly, taking up this glass of fine wine, i propose a toast to …

請各位舉杯并同我一起為所有在座的朋友們的健康干杯! i’d ask you to raise your glass and join me in a toast ot the health of all our friends present(白話文☆) here.

敬您一杯。 here’s to you.

祝你健康 to your health.

我要為此干杯 i’ll drink to that!

隨量 whatever you like.

我失陪一會兒 excuse me for a minute.

菜不好,請多多包涵 hope you enjoy yourself.

女士們先生們,歡迎各位光臨,演出很快就要開始了,請盡快就坐。 ladies and gentlemen, good evening. the concert/show would start soon. please get yourself seated. thank you.

招待會現(xiàn)在開始。 the reception will now begin.

全體起立,奏國歌。 all rise please. for the al anthem.

出席今天招待會的貴賓有 the distinguished guests paarticipating the reception are

現(xiàn)在請…講話 i have the honour to call upon…

開幕式現(xiàn)在結(jié)束。 this concludes the opening ceremony.

隆重慶祝 grand celebration

情況介紹 presentation

小組討論 panel discussion

同有關(guān)單位磋商 hold consultations with the organizations concerned

慶祝成立…一周年 celebrating the 1st anniversary of the establishment of …

熱烈祝賀第一屆…錦標賽 hail the first fifa of …

值此節(jié)日之際致以節(jié)日的祝賀 on the occasion of the season, i would like to extend season’s reetings.

祝您工作順利、事業(yè)成功、身體健康、家庭幸福! wish you the very best of luck in your job, every successin your future endeavours, good health and a happy family!

衷心祝賀您當(dāng)選… hearty congratulations on your recent ecletion as …


damages n.損害,損失

deadline n. 最后期限

deal n. 營業(yè)協(xié)議,數(shù)量v. 交易

dealer n. 商人

debit n. 借方,欠的錢v.記入帳戶的借方

debt n. 欠款,債務(wù)to get into debt 負債to be out of debt


to pay off a debt


debtor n.債務(wù)人aged debtors 長期債務(wù)人

declare v.申報,聲明

decline n./v. 衰退,緩慢,下降

decrease v. 減少

deduct v.扣除,減去default n. 違約,未履行

defect n. 缺陷



defer v. 推遲deferred payments n. 延期支付

deficit n. 赤字delivery cycle n.交貨周期

_emand management n.需求規(guī)化

demotivated adj. 消極的,冷談的

deposit n. 儲蓄,預(yù)付(定金)

depot n. 倉庫depreciate



adj. 令人沮喪的

deputy n. 代理人,副職,代理

devalue v. 貨幣貶值(相對于其它貨幣)diet n. 飲食,食物,特種飲食

differentiation n. 區(qū)分,鑒別

dimensions n. 尺寸,面積,規(guī)模

direct v管理,指導(dǎo)director n.經(jīng)理,主管managing director n.總經(jīng)理

direct cost

n. 直接成本

direct mail


direct selling


directory n.指南,號碼簿

discount n.折扣,貼現(xiàn)

dismiss v.讓……離開,打發(fā)走

dismissal n. 打發(fā)走

dispatch n./v. 調(diào)遣

display n./v. 展出,顯示

dispose v.安排,處理(事務(wù))

dispose of 去掉,清除

distribution n分配,分發(fā),分送產(chǎn)品

_iversify v.從事多種經(jīng)營;多樣化

pest v.剝奪

pidend n. 股息,紅利,年息

pision n. 部門_og n. 滯銷品down-market a./ad.低檔商品的


n. 設(shè)備閑置期

dp(=data processing)

n. 計算機數(shù)據(jù)處理,計算機數(shù)據(jù)處理部門


adj. 戲劇性的


due adj. 應(yīng)付的,預(yù)期的

dynamic 有活力的earnings n. 工資efficiency n. 效率

endorse v.背書,接受engage v. 雇用entitle v. 授權(quán)entitlement


holiday entitlement

n. 休假權(quán)

equity n.股東權(quán)益equity capital股本

equities 普通股,股estimated demand


evaluate v. 估價,評價

eventual adj.最終exaggerate v. 夸張

exceed v. 超過

exhibit n.展覽,表現(xiàn)





expense account n. 費用帳戶

expenses n.費用,業(yè)務(wù)津貼

expertise n.專長,專門知識和技能

_xposure n.公眾對某一產(chǎn)品或公司的知悉;廣告所達到的觀眾總數(shù)

facilities n.用于生產(chǎn)的設(shè)備、器材

facilities layout n.設(shè)備的布局規(guī)化、計劃facilities location




_ail-safe system n.安全系統(tǒng)

feasibility study n.可行性研究

feedback n. 反饋,反饋的信息

field n.辦公室外邊,具體業(yè)務(wù)

file n. 文件集,卷宗,檔案,文件v. 把文件(或資料)歸檔

fill v. 充任

finance n. 資金,財政v. 提供資金

financial adj. 財政的financing n. 提供資金,籌借資金

finished goods n. 制成品

firm n. 公司

fire v. 解雇

fix v. 確定,使固定在

fix up v. 解決,商妥

fiscal adj. 國庫的,財政的

_lagship n. 同類中最成功的商品,佼佼者

flexible adj. 有彈性的,靈活的

flextime n. 彈性工作時間制

flier(=flyer) n. 促銷傳單

float v. 發(fā)行股票

flop n. 失敗

flow shop n. 車間

fluctuate v. 波動,漲落,起伏

fob, f.o.b n. 離岸價

_ollow-up n. 細節(jié)落實,接連要做的事

forecast v. 預(yù)測

four ps 指產(chǎn)品product、價格price、地點place、促銷promotion

framework n. 框架,結(jié)構(gòu)

_ranchise n. 特許經(jīng)銷權(quán)v.特許經(jīng)銷,給予特許經(jīng)銷權(quán)

franchisee n. 特許經(jīng)營人

franchiser n.授予特許經(jīng)營權(quán)者

fraud n. 欺騙

_reebie n. (非正式的)贈品,免費促銷的商品

freelance n.& adj. 自由職業(yè)者(的)

funds n. 資金,基金

futures n. 期貨交易


1、adjourn 暫時;休會;延期

2、agreement 同意;協(xié)定

3、amendment 修正

4、approval 贊成;同意

5、attentive 注意的;留心的專心的

6、board 理事會;委員會;董事會

7、brainstorm 腦力激蕩,集思廣益

8、concede 容忍;容許;讓步

9、conference 會議;協(xié)商;討論會

10、convention 慣例;常規(guī);習(xí)俗;會議;

11、convince 使信服

12、cross-reference 前后參照;(使)前后參照

13、delegate 代表

14、demand 要求;強求

15、dispute 爭端;爭執(zhí);糾紛;

16、negotiation 協(xié)商;談判

17、persuade 說服;勸服

18、postpone 延遲;延期

19、reconcile 調(diào)和;調(diào)解

20、settlement 協(xié)議;支付

business meeting & negotiation 商務(wù)會議及談判(2)

21、agenda 議程

22、alternative 可供選擇的事物、方式等

23、announce 通告;宣布;宣告;公諸于眾

24、articulate 能清楚有力表達思想感情的;表達能力強的

25、attorney 律師

26、breakthrough 突破;重大進展

27、compromise 妥協(xié);折衷;和解

28、conclusive 決定性的;勿庸置疑的

29、consensus 一致的意見;共識

30、converse 談話;交談

31、criterion 規(guī)范;標準

32、decline 衰落;衰退;下降

33、demonstration 示范;實證;(游行)示威

34、diplomacy 外交手腕;交際手段

35、dissuade 勸阻

36、on behalf of 代表

37、petition 請愿(書);請愿

38、premise 前提

39、seminar 研討會;討論課;講習(xí)會

40、statement 聲明;陳述


board noun 懂事會,理事會

array noun 排列,編隊

asset noun資產(chǎn)/有價值的技能、人

branch office noun 分店,支店

civil engineering noun 土木工程

cornerstone noun 奠基石,基礎(chǔ)

corporation noun 公司,企業(yè)

decade noun 十年

join verb 參加,加入

pension scheme noun 養(yǎng)老金計劃或方案

trade union (us labor union) noun 工會

aerospace adjective/noun 航空航天空間,航空航天技術(shù)(的)

beverage noun 飲料

chart noun 圖表

electronics noun 電子學(xué)

sector noun 部門/經(jīng)濟領(lǐng)域

supply verb 供給,提供

tertiary adjective 第三的

fiscal year noun 財政年度/會計年度

fledgling firm noun新公司/無經(jīng)驗的公司

found verb 建立,創(chuàng)辦

innovative adjective 創(chuàng)新的/革新的

link noun 連接(物)

location noun 位置,場所

maintain verb 維持,保養(yǎng)

milestone noun 里程碑,轉(zhuǎn)折點

numerous adjective 許多的,無數(shù)的

railroad = railway noun 鐵路

spearhead verb 領(lǐng)先/充當(dāng)先鋒

turn of the century 世紀之交

versatile adjective 萬能的/多才多藝的

zest noun 強烈的興趣、熱情
